"There's more than one or two base-level geniuses out there who have no fame, who live like rats, who sustain themselves - like old ladies eating cat food - on woefully minor levels of appreciation. If people like you and I don't make an effort, no one will. And they will go on, invisible, while careerist creeps crank out Hollywood snot, and rabble continue to suck it down, gulping this goop like cheap champagne, never knowing the psychic price we all pay for it in the end. What's worse, the culture based around the proliferation and support of renegades is itself often terminally disinterested in the very best work happening. The underground is a fucking lie, friends, it has been for many years. Make your own if you want the hot action." -Gene Gregorits
I suppose this is as good a way to start this as any.
What started as an attempt to post the above as a quote on Facebook (What? Too long? I've seen novels posted on peoples lil' snot-nosed offspring, Farmville nonsense, bothersome Starbucks experiences... But I digress), turned into the usual frustration and anger over a simple problem. However, determination being a personal strength, and today being one full of lazy-ambitions, I decided that this bit from the introduction to Midnight Mavericks (the single most personally inspiring book I've read in years) would be the opening salvo of my... I hate the word "blog," so let's call these my "musings," or "mental diarrhea."
I make absolutely no promises to keep up with this, or to make any real attempts at coherent ideas, or to strive for any intellectual points. The only promises I keep are to myself: Be honest to myself, no matter who or what may get offended or turned off along the way. So there.
Next installment: The many virtues of necro-beastiality at work and play.